Celtic Financial Planning Ltd

Coffee & Cake Success

A Heartfelt Thank You: Our Coffee & Cake Morning Success Story

As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweetness of cake filled the air, our community came together for a cause close to our hearts. The recent Coffee & Cake morning event wasn’t just a gathering; it was a manifestation of our collective spirit to make a difference. Today, we’re excited to share the incredible impact of your generosity.

The Impact of Your Support:

Thanks to your overwhelming support, we are proud to announce that the event raised a total of £2,408.93 for the Wales Air Ambulance, including the invaluable addition of gift aid. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the strength and generosity of our community.

Why Wales Air Ambulance?

The Wales Air Ambulance is a critical service that provides urgent medical care and life-saving assistance to those in need across Wales. Every donation plays a pivotal role in ensuring that this vital service continues to fly, offering hope and saving lives.

A Community Effort:

This event was more than just a fundraiser; it was a celebration of community and the power of coming together for a common purpose. We were blown away by not only the donations but also the engagement and support through likes, shares, and spreading the word. Each gesture, big or small, contributed to the success of our Coffee & Cake morning.

Looking Ahead:

Inspired by the success of this event, we are motivated to continue our efforts in supporting causes that make a tangible difference in people’s lives. Stay tuned for more opportunities to join us in future events and initiatives.

A Sincere Thank You:

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and supported our Coffee & Cake morning. Your generosity has truly made a significant impact on the Wales Air Ambulance and the lives of those they assist. Together, we’ve proven that when we unite for a cause, we can achieve extraordinary things.

Closing Thoughts:

As we reflect on the success of our event, we’re reminded of the power of community and the difference we can make when we come together. Let’s continue to support each other and the causes that matter most. Here’s to more moments of togetherness, generosity, and making a difference.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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