Celtic Financial Planning Ltd

Cyber Essentials Certification

Celtic Financial and Cyber Essentials

Securing Trust with Cyber Essentials

At Celtic Financial Planning Ltd, the security and confidentiality of our clients’ information is of utmost importance. As part of our ongoing commitment to data protection, we are thrilled to announce our recent certification in Cyber Essentials, a government-backed scheme that ensures organisations are protected against a wide range of cyber threats.

This certification is a testament to our dedication to ensuring the robustness of our IT infrastructure and our commitment to the highest standards of data security. The Cyber Essentials scheme focuses on five key controls: secure configuration, boundary firewalls, access controls, patch management, and malware protection. Our recent certification demonstrates that we’ve met these rigorous standards, providing an additional layer of assurance for our clients.

Here is our certificate:

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we partnered with a local data security / IT firm to conduct a thorough review of our IT systems. Their expertise was invaluable in helping us navigate the complex landscape of data protection and security.

This initiative was driven by the upcoming FCA Consumer Duty Regulations, which come into force on 31st July 2023. These new regulations push us to continuously enhance our security measures and improve the way we handle sensitive client data.

Benefits for our clients:

  1. Enhanced Security: Cyber Essentials’ certification ensures we have strong defences against most common cyber threats, significantly reducing the risk of a security breach.
  2. Secure Transactions: Our clients can have peace of mind knowing that their sensitive data is handled and stored with the highest levels of security.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: This certification assures that we are adhering to the latest regulatory requirements for data security, making us a trustworthy partner for your financial planning needs.
  4. Continuous Improvement: We’re committed to regularly updating and improving our systems to keep up with evolving cyber threats.

In the fast-paced digital world, we believe that proactive, comprehensive security measures are more important than ever. As a Cyber Essentials certified firm, Celtic Financial Planning Ltd is committed to protecting our clients’ sensitive information, ensuring their financial plans and investments are secure. We are proud to offer our clients this extra level of protection, and we will continue to strive for excellence in all areas of our business.

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