Carbon Positive Status

Carbon Positive Status

Our Commitment to Carbon Positivity and Beyond

At Celtic Financial Planning Ltd, our dedication to sustainability extends far beyond achieving carbon positivity (where we offset more emissions than we generate). In partnership with the Green Digital Academy and Llandrillo Menai, we are setting new standards in corporate environmental responsibility.

Milestones in Our Green Journey

  • 2018: Launched with a strong CSR policy aimed at carbon neutrality.
  • 2019: First trees planted with the North Wales Wild Life Trust.
  • 2021: Awarded the Net Zero Leader by the North Wales Business Council.
  • 2022: Our Co-Founder Robert Lewis is appointed Net Zero Ambassador with the North Wales Business Council.
  • 2023: Officially recognised as a Carbon Positive business.

Comprehensive Environmental Initiatives

Sustainable Operations:

  • Plastic-Free Champions: Partnered with Surfers Against Sewage to eliminate plastic use in our office.
  • Recycling Practices: We’ve recycled all waste since inception, use recycled paper, and responsibly dispose of ink cartridges.
  • Energy Efficiency: Transitioned to LED lighting, maximised natural light usage, and upgraded to energy-efficient office spaces in 2019 for better heat efficiency.
  • Digital Optimisation: Use Calibra font for its ink efficiency, employ energy-efficient laptops and monitors, and our back-office and website servers are hosted on carbon-neutral platforms.

Renewable Energy and Resources:

  • 2024 Commitments: Switching to 100% green electricity sources and installing EV charging points to support sustainable transportation options.

Our Ongoing Actions for a Greener Future

  • Tree Planting Initiative: In collaboration with North Wales Wildlife Trust, planting a tree for every new ongoing client.
  • Carbon Offsetting: Extensive investment in carbon credits to maintain our carbon positive status.
  • Community Engagement: Active participation in regional sustainability initiatives and advocacy for environmental responsibility.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We are committed to leading by example and inspiring both the financial and regional business communities to embrace sustainability. Join our efforts to make a significant environmental impact and explore how we can help you align your financial and ecological goals.

how can we help you?

Contact us at Celtic Financial to book a free no obligation initial meeting.

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