our approach

We always put our clients interest first, not our own. This means we always offer our best advice, even if that means we don’t earn a fee. Any advice we do give, will be in plain English and easy to understand.

We are here to provide independent holistic financial planning by harnessing the latest technology (including cash flow modelling and portfolio analysis) to help clients picture their changing financial circumstances now and the future, with a focus on stress testing any planning on a regular basis to ensure it continues to meet their needs.

Managing your wealth is absolutely critical to your financial well-being, but it is far from an exact science and future performance can be unpredictable.

Your investment may fall as well as rise and you may not get back what you put in.

Whether you are investing for growth, to generate an income, or simply aiming to counter the effects of inflation, Celtic Financial has a range of investment strategies to suit you as an individual. From a recommendation about the most appropriate ISA for your needs to a truly bespoke investment portfolio, we have a solution that we believe can work for you.

Responsibility for determining the investment approach is the role of our Investment Committee, which discusses developments within the investment marketplace and our chosen investment strategies. During this process, we are guided by a range of research sources and professional managers, to ensure our clients have the opportunity to achieve consistent performance over the medium to longer term.

We have a clear cost structure and work with some of the UK’s leading investment management firms to ensure our clients’ wealth is invested appropriately and professionally at the best possible terms.

Our Investment Philosophy

You are trusting us with your money and long-term financial wellbeing and that’s a responsibility we take extremely seriously. The foundation of our investment approach is preserving your wealth; we aim to reduce the risk you are exposed to while maintaining the potential for rewards.

Smart diversification

At the heart of this approach lies diversification. You are probably familiar with the old adage “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This, at its simplest level, is what diversification is all about. Essentially, it reduces risk by creating a mix of investments in your portfolio and therefore reducing your exposure if one underperforms. As several studies have demonstrated, the combination of carefully selected asset classes and appropriately allocated proportions of each will help to create the maximum investment impact to meet your particular circumstances.

Diversification does not completely eliminate risk however. Nor can it guarantee returns on your portfolio – you could still get back less than you invested. But it does focus on reducing volatility by smoothing out the peaks and troughs to produce a more even investment performance and creates a robust investment portfolio that’s designed to cope with the unexpected.

Designed around your personal goals

Our focus is on forming an in-depth understanding of your investment goals and creating a portfolio accordingly. We’ll identify the best investment strategy for you, designed to balance risk and reward with your goals, time frame and personal level of risk tolerance. It will be aligned with your values too by investing in companies that share your principles and avoiding those that don’t. Our independent whole-of-market approach will ensure we find the right investments for you.

Rigorous risk management

We will not take a casual approach to your financial wellbeing by taking unnecessary investment risks. Our Investment Committee carefully monitors and analyses market activity and sets our investment policy accordingly. We don’t assume that past performance is an indicator of future potential and we do not attempt to predict or outguess the market. While your investment portfolio will reflect your own personal tolerance of risk, we will always take an approach of robust due diligence with every investment we make on our clients’ behalf.

Carefully managed tax implications

Part of creating a strong investment portfolio involves making appropriate use of the various tax reliefs and allowances available. Effective tax management will enable you to maximise the return you receive.

A pressure-free experience for you

We keep the process uncomplicated and stress free. You’ll receive balanced guidance that draws on our extensive experience acquired over years of successfully taking care of our clients’ portfolios and clear, robust solutions designed to achieve your objectives.

Our Process

1. Establish Relationship

We offer a free no obligation review to establish how we can help, this includes fully discussing our fees and charges.

2. Collect Information

We spend time getting to know you and your circumstances, along with collecting information about existing plans.

3. Analyse

Based on your current objectives and needs we identify any shortfalls or gaps in your financial planning.

4. Develop Solutions

Based on your objectives and goals we produce our recommendation report and present it to you.

5. Implement

If you are happy with our recommendations and any costs involved we put them into force.

6. Review

If appropriate we provide ongoing advice and reviews to ensure the recommendations remain suitable.

how can we help you?

Contact us at Celtic Financial to book a free no obligation initial meeting.

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