Pensions & Retirement

Image of retired couple

Pensions & Retirement

Deciding when to start planning and saving for retirement is a tough decision for most people to make, as they do not know where, or when, to begin! With pension freedoms we now have lots of flexibility when it comes to taking our benefits, so whether you’re thinking of starting a pension or are days away from retiring, the need for financial advice has never been more important.

The ideal scenario is to start as soon as possible and to save as much as you can afford, reviewing your investments at every stage of your working life. As a business owner pensions can also be a useful tool to manage your tax obligations; it all takes careful planning.

Celtic Financial’s experienced pension experts will help you start the process and will provide the most comprehensive advice to protect your financial security. We take time to listen and to understand your retirement goals. We use plain English and deliver a simple plan.

A key component of retirement planning is your State Pension, so make sure you get a projection of benefits. You can do it online at:

Asset Allocation

  • Equities
  • Bonds
  • Cash
  • Alternatives

Where’s the consolation in picking the best performing fund in the worst performing sector? We believe asset allocation is the most important element of pensions and retirement fund performance.

Pension Reviews

We believe one of the most important parts of retirement planning is having a regular pension review. Here are some of the benefits:

Risk Management – it’s important to ensure you are taking the right level of risk with your pension plans.

Charges – as competition and regulation change, it’s important to ensure your pension plan represents value for money.

Performance – a key element of long term growth; you want to ensure your pension works hard for you.

Projections – do you know what your pension will be worth in the future? Unless you’ve got a handle on it, you don’t know if you’re contributing enough to your scheme.

Painting a Picture

Our team uses the latest technology to paint a picture of your retirement. Itโ€™s great receiving projections each year from pension providers, but what will it mean in retirement? How much income will you have and how long will it last?

Areas where we can help:

Pre Retirement – are you contributing enough?

At Retirement – do you have enough to retire today?

Post Retirement – is your pension income sustainable?

Expenditure Plans – what happens if you access your pension to repay your mortgage?

Increased Contributions – what’s the impact of you making additional contributions?

Business Planning – how can a pension help with your business plan?

Cash Flow Modelling

  • One
  • Two

Cashflow modelling is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

how can we help you?

Contact us at Celtic Financial to book a free no obligation initial meeting.

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