corporate responsibility

Here at Celtic Financial we believe we can all do business, but we think itโ€™s important to do business in the right way. For us this means respecting the local environment and the community in which we work in, for this reason we have created our own corporate social responsibility mandate.

In addition we are keen to promote local businesses, as such we have created the Celtic Community Network, a not for profit business networking group that meets every two weeks in Mold. Here we share expertise, ideas and connections allowing us to help improve business within the local economy.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility Mandate:

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    Carbon Offsetting

    For every new client that invests within our model portfolio service we will donate and plant a native British tree. We hope just like your pension and investments this tree will grow well into the future, helping to offset our carbon footprint and become a token of your relationship with Celtic Financial for years to come.

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    Fairtrade Products

    Where we can, we will look to stock Fairtrade products such as tea and coffee. We want to ensure the money we spend goes to help those who need the support and allows everyone to have a fair deal.

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    We are keen to support and promote recycled products. Where possible we will look to source paper thatโ€™s 100% recycled for items such as business stationery.

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    Community and Charity Funds

    Not only do our team regularly take part in charitable and community events / projects, we have also created a fund where charities and communities can bid each year to receive the proceeds to support their local cause, we aim to commit at least ยฃ1,000 each year.

Working in the community

We donate alot of time each year to engage with our local community, below are some images from our recent charity work, engaging with the community and caring for our local environment.


We are very proud because of this work we won the 2021 Mold Town Council Community Awards ‘Business of the Year’ and in March 2021 we received a community champion award by the local Welsh Assembly Member, Hannah Blythyn AM. We have also been shortlisted for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) Ethical – Green Business of the Year 2019 and Environmental Business of the year 2020. This recognition gives us more energy to make a difference!

Refill Mold Scheme

Working in partnership with Refill Mold, everyone can now access free tap water at our new offices in Mold. Refill, an award-winning campaign is designed to help you reduce your plastic pollution, by making it easy to refill your reusable water bottle instead of buying a plastic one. With the Refill app, itโ€™s easy for you to find your nearest Refill Station on the go!

Refill Scheme Mold
how can we help you?

Contact us at Celtic Financial to book a free no obligation initial meeting.

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